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Super-16mm film

Le Violoncelle


Le Violoncelle

35mm film with Dolby SR audio, 4'00".

We track in and then around what appears to be Man Ray’s classic surrealist image featuring his muse Kiki. Beautiful shapes and silhouettes - including an ancient Greek gymnopédiste - dance serenely in the background. For just a moment before metamorphosis, our violoncelle comes to life to sing us a poem set to Satie’s haunting Gymnopédie No.1. “ Le Violoncelle” is a single-shot micro-voyage into the creative milieux of Man Ray, Erik Satie & Kiki de Montparnasse, and from the beginnings of photographic manipulation to the present era of digital duplicity.


¿Cuántos Colores?

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¿Cuántos Colores?

Beyond the beautiful colours of Cuba’s people lies the changing symbolism of her socialist red, the influence of the Greenback, as well as the political and material colours that tint the world’s most famous cigars.  Forty years after Ché and Fidel’s Cuban Revolution, capitalism, communism, and Havana Cigars remain intertwined.

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At lunchtime on the 9th of November 1960, renowned African-American singer Paul Robeson gave an impromptu performance, for the workers on the construction site of what was to become the Sydney Opera House.
